
Being a hockey wife means being good at picking up and moving — a lot. It means helping my two boys get settled and happy in new places over and over. But one day in 2012, when we were living in Scottsdale, Ariz., while my husband Jason played for the Phoenix Coyotes, we received an email from the director of our son Ryder’s Montessori School. Ryder, then three, wasn’t “a good fit,” she said - there was “something wrong” with him, and he wasn’t allowed to return. We knew Ryder had some quirks, and a speech delay, but hadn’t thought too much of it. We certainly didn’t think he was much different from other kids his age.
Upset, hurt and confused, we met with a developmental specialist. After going through all the steps, we were told that Ryder had autism. Although it was great to have a diagnosis, we were completely overwhelmed. We were already working with a speech therapist, but we also needed to get him an occupational therapist and an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapist, which had horrendous, discouraging wait lists. Fortunately, we found an occupational therapist who was an amazing fit and I decided to take a course in ABA myself while waiting for a therapist. I am so happy I did - I learned so much and gained a better understanding of autism. Finally, we connected with the best ABA therapist in Phoenix and Ryder’s therapy was underway.
The challenge was Jason’s hockey contract. We started working with the therapist in March, and that July, Jason signed with the Edmonton Oilers. I quickly found out that Ryder’s diagnosis in Phoenix didn’t fit the Alberta standards and they would need to re-do an assessment. The process was exhausting and included in-home visits and standing in front of a panel to explain why we needed services. And then, as soon as we were set up with therapists in Edmonton, Jason was traded to Chicago. Moving with him was out of the question, but staying in Edmonton wasn’t really a great option either - we had few friends or family there. We decided that it was best for the kids and I to return home to Calgary where we have more support, and because the move was inter-provincial, we could easily transfer the file. Once in Calgary, I had to start the process of getting wait lists for therapists all over again. I remember one night after putting the kids to bed, just staring at the paperwork in front of me and breaking down. I couldn’t stop crying. We were wasting so much time always being in limbo. Ryder didn’t deserve this. I called Jason and we agreed the kids and I would stay in Calgary for the remainder of the season - and also the following one. It would be hard to be apart, but we needed to do whatever we could to help Ryder. Having a solid home base would do that for us. Soon after our decision, we were accepted into a specialized services school and into their home program. Ryder, now seven, has been absolutely thriving. He loves his school and his therapists. It couldn’t have been a better fit. We are so proud of him and how far he has come: He now talks just for the sake of talking, speaking about everything he observes. He has gotten better about some of his rigidities (such as needing to drive home a certain way and how food is presented to him). His relationship with his five-year-old brother Easton has changed and they are now best friends. Their back and forth conversations are amazing to listen to!
When we lived apart, the one remaining strain was Ryder’s relationship with Jason. He would get a bit shy and didn’t know how to handle his emotions after not seeing his Dad for long periods of time. It didn’t take them long to pick up where they left off, but it was hard on both of them. It was also hard on Jason not to be around the kids on a regular basis. It was also lonely for Jason, whereas the boys kept me busy. He missed out on so much and it was hard to fill him in on where Ryder was with therapy. But I loved seeing Jason’s reaction to Ryder’s improvement - because I was with him all the time, it was harder for me to notice the big changes. As hard as it had been, we knew we made the right decision. Ryder’s psychologist was confident that he wouldn't need as many services and he would be able to attend a mainstream school. And she was right! Of course, he has a lot of obstacles to overcome (as we all do!), but he is doing so well. It takes a village to raise a child, and everyone close to us has played a part in Ryder's success! We couldn't have done it without all the love and support surrounding our family.
Ryder is thriving. He is currently in a mainstream school. He loves his teachers, classmates and the resources that have been available to him. He continues to amaze us every day!

There are various reasons and disorders that would require someone to need a sensory kit, not just autism. Hockey games and other sporting events have a lot of stimuli: the bright white ice, the goal horn, the slashing and slapping of the sticks, the fans yelling and cheering. It can cause some to be nervous or sweat but it can put some people into a full panic attack. The items provided in The Assist can help reduce that stimulus and bring it down to a comfortable level for the person to be able to enjoy the experience.

An at home therapy that is fun are river stones. It helps children advance their coordination skills. Click the photo below for details!
We love our at home therapy... games that both boys enjoy!!
One simple and easy thing you can do for your children is make a rice sensory bin. (Or with beans) Take any size Tupperware and fill it with rice, then add things like marbles, dinosaurs or any other items your child would be interested in finding. My kids love digging for treasures and its a great sensory stimulation activity!
They also LOVE silly putty treasure hunts. I take large balls of silly putty and hide small items inside and have them dig them out.

Spin boards are a favourite with Occupational Therapists. They are helpful with regulating vestibular stimulation. Ryder uses his multiple times a day! The one we have is similar to the res board. Its on an angle so its easy for him to use by himself.
There are other options that are available. Like this wooden one.
Or you can make your own, if you’re crafty! There are models available on Pinterest!
(Click photo for details)
If you have any stories to share, or would like any autism advice from
our journey, feel free to email info@kodettelabarbera.com